Product Details

Pigskin Party 2023 Earrings

Pigskin Party is an annual knit-, crochet-, weaving- and spin-along hosted in the Down Cellar Studio Podcast Ravelry Group that runs during the NFL football season. The more you finish, the more touchdowns, field goals, and safeties you’ll score and the more points you earn!

This year Twin Mountain Handcrafts is a Pro Sponsor, meaning if you use our products during this event, you get EXTRA points.  Our exclusive earrings are a great are the perfect statement to add an extra pop to your outfit! These are made to order and can be made in one of our various acrylics or premium wood options. Both materials are very lightweight so you can enjoy statement earrings comfortably all day. Hypoallergenic endings are used on all of our jewelry pieces.

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Twin Mountain Handcrafts

Pigskin Party '23 Earrings

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